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Science Documentary: Artificial Intelligence, Cloud Robots, Trusting Technology Video

Science Documentary: Artificial Intelligence, Cloud Robots, Trusting Technology

As technology advances, a portion of our population cannot help but react with panic. Throughout our human history, as technology grows, so to has our fear as to where this technology will take us. This fear has taken hold through each and every stage of the industrial revolution. Fears such that, the alphabet will wipe away our memories, the telegraph will stop us from remembering how to write in full sentences. But the closer the technology resembles us humans, as in robotics and artificial intelligence, the greater is our fear. Yet if we build robots in the image that we wish for us to be, then the future of technology is sure to be an exciting one.

Cloud Robots
Computers can only answer questions posed by the humans who programmed them. So it is up to humans to ask the truly important questions. Is it possible for machines to make better decisions than humans? Several top tech company CEO's have advised about the concerns they have about the singularity. But now there is a new idea, called the multiplicity, in which diverse groups of humans work together with diverse groups of machines, with the goal to ultimately be making the very best decisions. Computers and machines have the advantage over humans in their speed and precision. We rely on them in our everyday lives, with things like pace makers and auto pilot systems. And now many Institutions studying computer science are putting the emphasis on machines that can learn, when conducting their research. Recent research has shown that a group of machines is capable of making much better decisions than one machine making the decision by itself. There are millions of robots working in factories all over the world, yet we have none in our homes. This is because of Moravec's Paradox, which is the idea that, what is very difficult for humans to do is very easy for robots, but what is very hard for robots to do, is very easy for humans. Outside of a factory, a robots function is uncertain. This uncertainty is very hard for robots to deal with. But robots can cope with this uncertainty by using spacial probability distributions, and statistical learning to maximize expected utility. But this requires enormous computation. Yet this can be resolved by using remote processors in the cloud, and it allows robots to share information, and as a result, the robots become smarter. This is referred to as Cloud Robotics.

As technology shifts from cloud computing, to social networks, to mobile networks, to data science and artificial intelligence, in which we moved from systems of record to systems of engagement, but none of these will remain in place unless they are trusted by the public.

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Science Documentary: Graphene , a documentary on nanotechnology and nanomaterials

About the Site 🌐

This site provides links to random videos hosted at YouTube, with the emphasis on random. πŸŽ₯

Origins of the Idea 🌱

The original idea for this site stemmed from the need to benchmark the popularity of a video against the general population of YouTube videos. 🧠

Challenges Faced πŸ€”

Obtaining a large sample of videos was crucial for accurate ranking, but YouTube lacks a direct method to gather random video IDs.

Even searching for random strings on YouTube doesn't yield truly random results, complicating the process further. πŸ”

Creating Truly Random Links πŸ› οΈ

The YouTube API offers additional functions enabling the discovery of more random videos. Through inventive techniques and a touch of space-time manipulation, we've achieved a process yielding nearly 100% random links to YouTube videos.

About YouTube πŸ“Ί

YouTube, an American video-sharing website based in San Bruno, California, offers a diverse range of user-generated and corporate media content. 🌟

Content and Users 🎡

Users can upload, view, rate, share, and comment on videos, with content spanning video clips, music videos, live streams, and more.

While most content is uploaded by individuals, media corporations like CBS and the BBC also contribute. Unregistered users can watch videos, while registered users enjoy additional privileges such as uploading unlimited videos and adding comments.

Monetization and Impact πŸ€‘

YouTube and creators earn revenue through Google AdSense, with most videos free to view. Premium channels and subscription services like YouTube Music and YouTube Premium offer ad-free streaming.

As of February 2017, over 400 hours of content were uploaded to YouTube every minute, with the site ranking as the second-most popular globally. By May 2019, this figure exceeded 500 hours per minute. πŸ“ˆ

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